Welcome to my webpage, CyberSkyyes!
Please read this first!
This is a webpage I'll try to keep updated every so often, well, it's less a webpage and more a blog of sorts. A little space for me to mess around with all this webmaster junk. It's been far too long since I've worked with it all. My main goal is to carve out a little slice of the 'net for me, my interests, and for those who want to listen to a nostalgic person of indeterminate (read: I'm not fucking telling you, don't be nosy) gender. So, welcome to the shitshow, and I don't apologise for stealing your time away. This basic stuff exists since I stole sadgrls (read, used! amazing work and such a good template to work with) template :3
If you click on "Posts" at the top, you can see my own html/css work! I tried my best to work on it but it pales in comparison to Sadgrls stuff since I used that heavily for my base :3